Following is the complete list of nine letter (9 letters) words starting with A and ending in S for domain names and scrabble with meaning.
Nine letter words starting with A and ending in S
aasvogels | abamperes | abattises | abattoirs | abbotcies | abdicates | abductors | abelmosks |
aberrants | abetments | abeyances | abhenries | abhorrers | abidances | abilities | ablations |
ablatives | ablegates | ablutions | abnegates | abnormals | aboideaus | aboiteaus | abolishes |
abortions | abrachias | abradants | abrasions | abrasives | abridgers | abrogates | abscesses |
abscisins | abscissas | absentees | absenters | absinthes | absolutes | absolvers | absorbers |
absterges | abstracts | abstricts | abutilons | abutments | academias | academics | academies |
acalephes | acariases | acariasis | acaridans | accentors | acceptees | accepters | acceptors |
accidents | accolades | accorders | accouters | accoutres | accredits | accusants | accustoms |
aceldamas | acerbates | acervulus | acescents | acetamids | acetifies | acetoxyls | achievers |
achilleas | achromats | aciculums | acidemias | acidheads | acidifies | acidities | acidulous |
acidurias | acierates | aconitums | acoustics | acquaints | acquirers | acridines | acridness |
acrodonts | acrolects | acroleins | acroliths | acromions | acropolis | acrosomes | acrostics |
acrotisms | acrylates | actinians | actinides | actinisms | actiniums | actinoids | activates |
activisms | activists | activizes | actresses | actuaries | actuators | acutances | acuteness |
adamances | adamsites | adaptions | additions | additives | addresses | adductors | adeptness |
adherends | adherents | adhesions | adhesives | adjusters | adjustors | adjutants | adjuvants |
admitters | adnations | adoptions | adscripts | adsorbers | adularias | adulators | adultness |
advancers | advocates | advowsons | adynamias | aepyornis | aequorins | aerations | aeroducts |
aerodynes | aerofoils | aerograms | aerolites | aeroliths | aeronauts | aerostats | aesthetes |
affecters | afferents | affiances | affirmers | affluents | afforests | affrayers | affrights |
affusions | agallochs | agalwoods | agenesias | agentings | agentives | agentries | ageratums |
aggresses | aggrieves | agilities | agiotages | agitators | agitprops | aglycones | agnations |
agnostics | agraphias | agrarians | agrypnias | agueweeds | aigrettes | aiguilles | ailanthus |
airbursts | airbusses | airchecks | airdromes | airfields | airframes | airliners | airplanes |
airpowers | airproofs | airscapes | airscrews | airspaces | airspeeds | airstrips | aisleways |
alarmisms | alarmists | albacores | albatross | albicores | albinisms | albizzias | albumoses |
alburnums | alcahests | alchemies | alchymies | aldehydes | aldolases | alehouses | alertness |
aleurones | alfaquins | algarobas | algerines | algicides | alginates | algorisms | alienages |
alienates | alienisms | alienists | alienness | alikeness | alimonies | aliveness | alizarins |
alkahests | alkalises | alkalizes | alkaloids | alkaloses | alkalosis | alkoxides | alkylates |
allanites | allantois | allelisms | alleluias | allergens | allergies | allergins | alleyways |
alliances | allocates | allopaths | allottees | allotters | allotypes | allspices | allusions |
alluvials | alluvions | alluviums | almagests | almonries | aloneness | aloofness | alopecias |
alphabets | alpinisms | alpinists | alterants | altitudes | altruisms | altruists | aluminous |
aluminums | alumroots | alveolars | amadavats | amanitins | amaranths | amarelles | amarettos |
amaryllis | amauroses | amaurosis | ambergris | amberinas | amberoids | ambiances | ambiences |
ambiguous | ambitions | ambitious | ambiverts | ambrosias | ambulates | ambushers | amebiases |
amebiasis | ameerates | amelcorns | amenities | amethysts | amidogens | amidships | aminities |
amitroles | ammocetes | ammoniacs | ammonites | ammoniums | ammonoids | amnesiacs | amnesties |
amorettos | amorphous | amortises | amortizes | amperages | amphioxus | amphipods | ampleness |
amplifies | amputates | amygdales | amygdules | amylogens | anabaenas | anacondas | anacruses |
anacrusis | anaerobes | anaglyphs | anagogies | analcimes | analcites | analemmas | analities |
analogies | analogous | analogues | analysers | analytics | analyzers | anamneses | anamnesis |
anapaests | anaphases | anaphoras | anarchies | anasarcas | anathemas | anatomies | anatoxins |
ancestors | anchoress | anchorets | anchovies | anchusins | ancresses | andesites | andesytes |
androgens | anecdotes | anestrous | anetholes | aneurisms | aneurysms | angelicas | angeluses |
angerless | anglepods | angriness | angstroms | anguishes | angulates | anhydrous | anilingus |
anilities | animaters | animators | anisettes | ankerites | ankyloses | ankylosis | annalists |
annealers | annotates | announces | annuities | annuluses | anointers | anomalies | anomalous |
anonymous | anoopsias | anopheles | anoretics | anorexias | anorexics | anorexies | anoxemias |
anserines | answerers | antalgics | anteaters | antecedes | antedates | antefixes | antelopes |
antepasts | anterooms | antetypes | anteverts | antherids | anthraces | antiarins | antiatoms |
antidotes | antigenes | antikings | antimasks | antimeres | antinodes | antiphons | antipodes |
antipoles | antipopes | antipress | antipyics | antiquers | antirusts | antitypes | antivirus |
anviltops | anxieties | anybodies | anythings | anywheres | apartness | aperients | aperitifs |
apertures | apetalies | apetalous | aphanites | aphasiacs | aphelions | aphereses | apheresis |
aphidians | apholates | aphorises | aphorisms | aphorists | aphorizes | aphyllies | apiarians |
apiarists | apimanias | apishness | apogamies | apogamous | apologias | apologies | apologues |
apophyges | apophyses | apophysis | apostates | apotheces | apothegms | appanages | apparatus |
appealers | appeasers | appellees | appellors | appestats | appetites | applauses | appliques |
appraises | apprisers | apprizers | approvals | approvers | apteryxes | aptitudes | aptnesses |
aquacades | aquanauts | aquarians | aquarists | aquariums | aquatints | aquatones | aqueducts |
arachnids | arapaimas | arbalests | arbalists | arbelests | arboreous | arborists | arborizes |
arbovirus | arbuscles | arbutuses | arcadians | arcadings | arcatures | archaises | archaisms |
archaists | archaizes | archdukes | archeries | ardencies | arethusas | argentums | arginases |
arginines | argonauts | argufiers | arguments | aridities | arillodes | armagnacs | armaments |
armatures | armchairs | armigeros | armonicas | armorials | armorless | armourers | armouries |
armyworms | aromatics | arpeggios | arrangers | arrestees | arresters | arrestors | arrogates |
arsenates | arsenides | arsenious | arsenites | arsonists | artefacts | arterials | arteritis |
arthritis | arthroses | arthrosis | artifacts | artifices | aruspices | arythmias | ascarides |
ascenders | ascidians | ascocarps | ashplants | askewness | asparagus | asperates | aspersers |
aspersors | asphodels | asphyxias | asphyxies | aspirants | aspirates | assailers | assassins |
assembles | assenters | assentors | asserters | assertors | assessors | assiduous | assignats |
assignees | assigners | assignors | assisters | assistors | assonants | assorters | astatines |
asterisks | asterisms | asteroids | asthenias | asthenics | asthenies | astigmias | astragals |
astringes | asynapses | asynapsis | atamascos | ataraxias | ataraxics | ataraxies | athelings |
atheneums | atheromas | athletics | atomisers | atomizers | atrazines | atrocious | atrophias |
atrophies | atropines | atropisms | attachers | attackers | attainers | attempers | attendees |
attenders | attesters | attestors | atticisms | atticists | attitudes | attorneys | aubretias |
aubrietas | audacious | audiences | auditions | auditives | aunthoods | auriculas | aurochses |
australes | autacoids | autarkies | autecisms | authoress | autistics | autobahns | autobuses |
autocades | autocoids | autocrats | autocross | autodynes | autogiros | autogyros | autolyses |
autolysis | autolyzes | automates | autopsies | autosomes | autotypes | autunites | avadavats |
aventails | averments | aversions | avianizes | aviarists | aviations | avidities | avifaunas |
avigators | avocadoes | avouchers | avulsions | awakeners | awareness | awfulness | axletrees |
axoplasms | ayurvedas | azotemias | azoturias | ardwolves |
This list of 9 letter words that start with a and end with s alphabet is valid for both American English and British English with meaning. You can use these nine letter words for finding good domain names while playing scrabble or in research.