Following is the complete list of three letter (3 letters) words starting with R for domain names and scrabble with meaning.
RAD to fear RAG to scold RAH intj. used to cheer on a team or player RAI style of popular Algerian music {OSPD4} RAJ dominion; sovereignty RAM to strike with great force RAN [run-conj] (to move by rapid steps) RAP to strike sharply RAS Ethiopian prince RAT to hunt rats (long-tailed rodents) RAW uncooked/sore or irritated spot RAX to stretch out RAY to emit rays REB Confederate soldier REC recreation RED of the color red/to put into order REE female Eurasian sandpiper REF to referee REG regulation REI erroneous form of former Portuguese coin REM quantity of ionizing radiation REP cross-ribbed fabric RES thing or matter RET to soak in order to loosen the fiber from the woody tissue REV to increase the speed of REX animal with a single wavy layer of hair/king RHO Greek letter RIA long narrow inlet RIB to poke fun at RID to free from something objectionable RIF to lay off from employment RIG to put in proper condition for use RIM to provide with a rim (an outer edge) RIN to run or melt RIP to tear or cut apart roughly ROB to take property from illegally ROC lengendary bird of prey ROD to provide with a rod ROE mass of eggs within a female fish ROM male gypsy ROT to decompose ROW to propel by means of oars RUB to move along the surface of a body with pressure RUE to feel sorrow or remorse for RUG to tear roughly RUM alcoholic liquor/odd RUN to move by rapid steps RUT to make ruts (grooves) in RYA Scandinavian handwoven rug RYE cereal grass
This list of 3 letter words starting with R alphabet is valid for both American English and British English with meaning. You can use these words for finding good domain names while playing scrabble or in research.
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Three letter words starting with R
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